American Sniper(2014)

Within the film trailer there a clear sense of genre as we are indulged within trailer which includes hard cuts paired with a dynamic sound, including heartbeats, guns loading and suspenseful dialogue. The film`s mis-en-scene gives a surreal feel to the film as we witness the pressure upon a sniper in the middle-East, this connects with the genre of action as we are constantly alert due to the constant suspense regarding the situation. Another leading factor which matches the genre of action is the assets used within the trailer, for example there is lots of military equipment such as tanks, guns, uniform. These all indicate that the situation is serious causing the audience to be alert.  

Introduce a central character – Establishing close ups, shows his professionalism, but also a side of compassion, father, husband.  

Introduce the central conflict – The audience are clearly made to feel as if they are within the world of the trailer through realism which is sued to introduce and establish the central conflict. In this trailer the use of military terminology as well as the complicated military equipment gives a true-to-life persona. Another large role which gains audience interest is the scenery and setting. The film trailer is set in a middle east middle east which reflects upon topical issue of constant war within Iraq. Moreover, the film trailer suggest from the snipers perspective he faces alternative conflicts. The sniper is pictured to be battling his mind, as through the use of flashback shots and cuts we understand that he has a family at home with a new born girl, this is exaggerated through close ups of both his current face aiming through the sniper contrasting, using a hard cut of his wife crying.   mental conflict in protagonist head 

Audience engagement- We do not see the final outcome of the built-up tension 


Sense of genre – Sci-fi/ Thriller. There was clear sense of genre when watching the trailer as it was filled with suspense due to the dialogue and use of sound as we create emotions of fear and fright for the person we are seeing on the screen. The start of the trailer is silent, this creates suspense due to the thought of hopelessness sinks. This is done through the mis-en-scene where we can see the world in the background as the astronaut is left isolated and out of her depth. Following this sense of genre is also created through the use of dynamic sounds and shots.  

Introducing the central characters - Alfonso Cuarón, the director, creates a tense introduction of the main characters as they are position in a life threating situation, from the use of close up and wide shots it is clear that their life is under threat as they are made to feel small and vulnerable, this automatically interests the viewers as it sucks the breath from our lungs because of the suspense which is built. The trailer will also gain audience interest through the casting of well-known actors and actresses Sandra Bullock and George Clooney star as Stone and Kowalsky. This would clearly gain audience interest as they are widely recognized from their other success.  

Introduce the central conflict  - Daughter at home meaning there is reason to live, this is shown through motivated edit as we hear a person comforting her ask if there is someone at hom

Birth of a Nation (2016)

The film trailer opens with an establishing shot over cotton fields automatically links to the drama and history genre as well as this it engages the audience as they are amazed by the setting and scenery.  In addition to this the trailer sets an emotional tone early on as for the use of a narrator who speaks on the historical issue we see within the film trailer. The use of moving and emotive images once again create a new level of engagement with the film trailer: particularly powerful images include a white upper class women telling a harmless and innocent young Nathaniel "these books are for white folks, your kind wouldn't understand" as well as seeing the slave workers being lashed by slave owners.  

The use of powerful music serves a huge importance within the trailer as it makes the audience feel empowerment, this is supported by the evocative lyrics  “I will rise up” “'I’ll rise unafraid” which clearly show meaning against the plot as it describes the journey which the black African American population had to battle for before the slavery was abolished and equality was gained. 

The audience are also engaged by the use of editing with the trailer. The trailer uses a range of hard cuts and transitions to create a collage of shots. These shots help to reflect upon the pain and fear which the minority was challenged with no matter the age or gender. The film trailer builds a strong narrative through following the protagonist, a young black male (Nathaniel), who is position to being leading the fight for equality. When following the male we are made to feel a connection towards him as we see an insight into his life were Nathaniel is pictured to suffer, love and battle.  

Another way in which the narrative is built is through the use of dialogue. The dialogue creates the suspense and narrative for the audience, an example is when we hear the male give expressive and motivational speeches.  The emotive tone is also built up within the trailer through the use of inter-titles which have incentive phrases such as “injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice anywhere" which is  paired with the shots of the slaves starting to resist and fighting for their equality. This satisfies the audience as it shows a build up to a dramatic crescendo which leaves the audience wanting to see more. 

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